Torsten Posselt from Feld* nominated the illustrator Stephanie F. Scholz:
I first met Stephanie in 2006, during the entry examination day for the University of the Arts Berlin were we applied for the visual communications course. Over the years at the UDK our ways receded, while Stephi was concentrating on illustration, I was focusing more on digital media and art related topics in other classes where i coincidentally met Frederic and Ben. I then later founded FELD together with them. We never really lost track of each other and Stephanie also became close friends with Frederic over the years, so when the studio moved to a larger space we invited her to join us.
“I am intrigued by the way she combines her artistic talent with her vision and conceptual thinking, It always leads to something surprising and beautiful”
Since she moved in we were collaborating on various music cover designs for artists like Nils Frahm and Ben Lukas Boysen, music videos for Nonkeen and other artistic and conceptional projects.
Working together with Stephie always feels so natural and easy. I am intrigued by the way she combines her artistic talent with her vision and conceptual thinking. It always leads to something surprising and beautiful.
I am a huge admirer of her latest series of illustrations for the German Zeit Magazin and i hope we all see a lot more of her in the future.
* photo credit - Stefan Höderath
Work by Stephanie F.Scholz: